With the anchor points of controls, there’s already a lot of
possibilities to layout the user interface. The set of lock properties
(LockTop, LockLeft, etc) of a RectControl give control over the scaling
behavior of control elements when a Window changes size. In nearly all cases
this is enough, but sometimes a proportional scaling of elements is best as the
Window or other container control changes size.
Proportional scaling can always be done manually in the
Resize events of the Window for every RectControl. To make this a bit easier to
maintain, two extra methods and a property can be added to a Window or a Panel
to do proportional scaling. A method to record all design time controls
locations is called from the Open event of the Window or Panel. Then the method
to play back the relative locations is called from the resizing events.
The RecordAllpagepanelControls method iterates through all
RectControls on the Window and stores the relative location in a String.
Dim i As Integer
Dim ctrl As
Dim l,t,w,h As
ControlsLocations(-1) //should be empty, in case it wasn't.
For i = 0 To
Self.Control(i) IsA RectControl Then
ctrl =
RectControl( Self.Control(i) )
l=ctrl.Left / Self.Width
t=ctrl.Top / Self.Height
w=ctrl.Width / Self.Width
/ Self.Height
ControlsLocations.Append( Str(l) + ";" +Str(t) + ";"
+Str(w) + ";" +Str(h) +";" + ctrl.Name)
End if
The PlaybackPagepanelControls method reads the locations
from the String and updates the positions of all stored controls to the new
position relative to the current size of the Window.
Dim i As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim ctrl As RectControl
Dim l,t,w,h As Double
ii = 0
For i = 0 To Self.ControlCount-1
If Self.Control(i) IsA RectControl Then
ctrl = RectControl( Self.Control(i) )
s = ControlsLocations(ii)
l=Val(NthField(s, ";", 1))
t=Val(NthField(s, ";", 2))
w=Val(NthField(s, ";", 3))
h=Val(NthField(s, ";", 4))
ctrl.Left = Round(Self.Width * l)
ctrl.Top = Round(Self.Height * t)
ctrl.Width = Round(Self.Width * w)
ctrl.Height = Round(Self.Height * h)
ii = ii+1 //next in ControlsLocations
End if
It would probably be even easier to create a component that
performs this scaling or a component that adds this scaling to the container
control it’s added to. For more detailed behavior, extra tests on the type of
control can be added in the play back function of course.
Adding the methods to a simple example Window with a couple of shapes on it,
these now scale proportionally.
Example project source code available for download here.
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