Tuesday, May 27, 2014

ID3 Viewer (and Writer) application

A small utility program that uses the ID3 classes posted earlier to view the tags and album artwork of an MP3 file.

Complete source for the program can be downloaded here. Should work in most RealStudio or Xojo versions.

Use the menu to open a file or drop an MP3 file on the window and the program opens the file and shows the main tags. A double-click on the artwork area plays the MP3 file. Clicking on the progress bar that then appears allows to scroll to that position in the file.

The text tags can be edited, the artwork can be changed by dropping an image file on the artwork area. Use the save menu items to write an MP3 file with the updated tags.

The compiled program for a few platforms, in case you don't have RealStudio or Xojo or don't want to bother with compiling:

ID3Viewer for Mac OS X (Intel)
ID3Viewer for Mac OS X (PPC)

Free to use.


  1. Hi Robert,
    I found your ID3 Viewer here, thank you for this.
    I reworked it for using with Cocoa.


    1. Hello Axel,
      That's great! You're very welcome and thanks for posting the Cocoa version :-)

  2. Update (Link is alway the same)

    I had problems when saving. It always stored as an invisible file (._file.mp3, .._file.mp3)
    I now use a temporary file and then move it back with a shell.

  3. Hello,
    Work great, thanks.
    On Xojo, passed bs.writebyte to writeInt64 and saving is pretty much faster

    1. Great to hear it is still useful!, thanks for your message :)
      Currently have no access to Xojo anymore (do miss it a bit, very powerful tool), so can't update/develop in Xojo/RealBasic. Enjoy :D
